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Category: Service

Troop 224 September ’18 Info and Reminders

Committee / Parent Meeting

There will be another parent meeting on September 24th after the start of the Scout meeting.  We will continue to discuss fundraising ideas and hope to have additional ideas brought up for consideration.

September Advancement Theme

Cycling Badge
The September theme is cycling with a focus on bike packing.

Our Scoutmaster of the month is Mr Sipes!

Cycling – MeritBadgeDotOrg

September Camping

The September outing will be on the 29th and 30th. The trip will be a bike packing trip. Location and details will be announced. Scouts wishing to participate should have their bikes in working condition and ready to ride. Our equipment will be transported on a trailer.

New Photos Posted

Sorry!  There are no new pictures this month.

If you have new or old pictures from troop activities such as the summer camping trip or family campout feel free to post them on Facebook. You can also send pictures to Morgan Paul

Tennessee Paracycling Open

Please see the flyer here for the TPO which should provide more information for Scouts and Families. The event takes place Saturday September 22nd and Sunday the 23rd. The event organizers currently need volunteers for the morning shifts from 7:00am to roughly 12:00pm each day. We are looking for additional adult volunteers. We still need 1 adult on Saturday and two adults on Sunday to assist the kids.

Grace Lutheran Annual Pet Fest

Troop 224 plays a large part in supporting the Grace Lutheran Church Pet Fest that will be held on Saturday October 6, 2018 from 1 to 5 PM. Scouts will be need to be there early in the day to help set up and to assist during the day.  Make sure to sign up for some time at the September 24th meeting.

Details can be found hereGrace Lutheran Pet Fest 2016

Update to Kroger Community Rewards Program!

kroger logoThe Kroger Community Rewards Program has provided some welcome funds to the troop over the last year thanks to the families that have participated.   THERE IS A NEW NUMBER FOR OUR TROOP.  Please review the instruction here to assign the new number here, or to add it if you have not participated before now.
Additional information about the program here.


Troop 224 April ’18 Info and Reminders

Committee / Parent Meeting

There will be a 30 minute meeting tonight at 7 PM for committee members and parents.

April Advancement Theme

Backpacking Badge

In preparation for summer camp we will begin working on backpacking/camping this month.



Hiking Badge
Backpacking – MeritBadgeDotOrg
Hiking – MeritBadgeDotOrg

April Camping

The April outing will be backpacking trip.  This months trip is scheduled for April 14-15 (Honey Creek Loop Trail in Big South Fork). For the people who plan to do summer camp we need to start working on our 50 miles of training hikes.

New Photos Posted

There have been new pictures posted to the troop Facebook page that are now also available on the Troop website.  Be sure to check them out!

Wilderness Survival, March 2018
Wilderness Survival, March 2018
Camping at Big Hump, February 2018
Camping at Big Hump, February 2018

Additional Information for Newer Scouts

Kroger Rewards


kroger logoFor those who shop at Kroger, you probably know the Kroger makes contributions to local non profit organizations throughout their service areas via the Kroger Community Rewards (KCR). Boy Scout Troop 224 has now completed registering with the KCR Program.

Scouting families, friends and relatives can select the Troop as the local organization that will benefit from their shopping at Kroger. The KCR award amount is based on the number of families who link their Kroger Plus card to the BSA Troop 224 account and the amount of shopping while using the Kroger Plus card. Past experience with another non profit organization with a modest number of families linking their cards was quite positive. Funds received from Kroger will go toward Troop operations and scouting activities for our boys.

The instructions here describe how to link your Kroger Plus card number to the Troop.

Questions? Contact Cam Hubbard, Troop Treasurer.

Troop 224 Active Calendar for your Smartphone or Computer

Importing troop calendar next to your other calendars

The following URL can be used to add a link to the calendar to Google, Microsoft Live, Outlook, iPhone, iPad calendars and more.  This is useful for those that maintain a calendar on the web, a PC or smart phone.

Any changes or additions to the troop calendar will sync your calendar with those updates.

Troop 224 November ’17 Info and Reminders

Committee / Parent Meeting

We did not have a parent meeting last month but  we will be a 30 minute meeting tonight at 7 PM for committee members and parents.

November Advancement Theme

Climbing Badge
August advancement theme is Climbing.

Climbing – MeritBadgeDotOrg


November Camping

The November outing will be a trip to Frozen Head State Park Nov 18th – 19th.  Details are still being finalized.

New Photos Posted

There have been new pictures posted to the troop Facebook page by some of our leaders that are now also available on the Troop website.  Be sure to check them out!

Backpacking at Bob's Bald, October 2017
Backpacking at Bob’s Bald, October 2017

Boy Scouts Troop 224 is now registered with the Kroger Community Rewards Program

kroger logoFor those who shop at Kroger, you probably know the Kroger makes contributions to local non profit organizations throughout their service areas via the Kroger Community Rewards (KCR). Boy Scout Troop 224 has now completed registering with the KCR Program.

Scouting families, friends and relatives can select the Troop as the local organization that will benefit from their shopping at Kroger. The KCR award amount is based on the number of families who link their Kroger Plus card to the BSA Troop 224 account and the amount of shopping while using the Kroger Plus card. Past experience with another non profit organization with a modest number of families linking their cards was quite positive. Funds received from Kroger will go toward Troop operations and scouting activities for our boys.

The instructions here describe how to link your Kroger Plus card number to the Troop.

Questions? Contact Cam Hubbard, Troop Treasurer.

Troop 224 Recharter Event Starts November 6th, 2017

The annual chartering of the Troop and renewal of registration of every scout and
adult leader will begin at the November 6th regular Troop 224 meeting and Troop
Committee meeting at Grace Lutheran Church. As part of the annual chartering
each family and adult leader will be asked to fill out a contact information sheet.
Good News!! The registration fee has been reduced to $75 per youth scout for the
2018 scout year. More Good News!! Many scouts participated in community
service at the Oak Ridge Rowing Association (ORRA) regattas throughout the rowing
season. Each scout who participated earned a Service Hours Credit that will be used
to further reduce his yearly registration fee. The Service Hours Credit for each scout
was based on the number of hours provided by that scout. The specific credit for
each scout will be on the reregistration form handed out November 6th.
Please return the form by December 4th, 2017.

Note – Re-registration forms will be handed out at the November 6th meeting of the
Troop Committee and to Scouts at the end of the regular Troop meeting. In addition,
the forms will be available at each Troop meeting in November, and the forms will
be posted on our web site under Resources along with a summary of the Service
Hours Credit for each scouts who participated in the service to the ORRA.

Contact Cam Hubbard,
Treasurer, at if you have any questions.

Troop 224 October ’17 Info and Reminders

Committee / Parent Meeting

There will be a 30 minute meeting tonight at 7 PM for committee members and parents.

October Advancement Theme

Backpacking Badge
August advancement theme is Cooking as it relates to backpacking.

Cooking – MeritBadgeDotOrg

October Camping

The October outing will be backpacking trip.  Details are still being finalized.

New Photos Posted

There have been new pictures posted to the troop Facebook page by some of our leaders that are now also available on the Troop website.  Be sure to check them out!

Biking and Camping at Big South Fork
Biking and Camping at Big South Fork, Sep 2017

Grace Lutheran Annual Pet Fest

Troop 224 plays a large part in supporting the Grace Lutheran Church Pet Fest that will be held on Saturday October 7, 2017 from 1 to 5 PM. Scouts will be need to be there early in the day to help set up and to assist during the day.  Make sure to sign up for some time at the meeting tonight.

Details can be found here Grace Lutheran Pet Fest 2016

Troop 224 September Info and Reminders

No Meeting on labor Day

Enjoy your Labor Day holiday!

September Advancement Theme

Backpacking Badge
August advancement theme is Backpacking.

Backpacking – MeritBadgeDotOrg

September Camping

The August outing will be backpacking at Piney Creek (Sep 17-18)  You will need to sign up at the next meeting on Sep 12th.  Bring your pack to that meeting for inspection if you are planning to go.

New Photos Posted

There have been new pictures posted to the troop Facebook page by some of our leaders that are now also available on the Troop website.  Be sure to check them out!

Canoeing at Clark Center Park – Monday Nights, Aug 2016
Canoeing at Clark Center Park – Monday Nights, Aug 2016

Grace Lutheran Annual Pet Fest

Troop 224 plays a large part in supporting the Grace Lutheran Church Pet Fest that will be held on Saturday October 1, 2016 from 1 to 5 PM. Scouts will be need to be there early in the day to help set up and to assist during the day.

Details can be found here Grace Lutheran Pet Fest 2016

All Scouts, Leaders, and Parents needed!

Scouting For Food

Scouting for Food bag distribution is Saturday, January 31st from 9AM – 12PM. Meet Mr. Moehl at the Church. We need every available Scout, Leader, and parent to help with this activity.
Troop 224 collects food donations from over 1500 homes in the Wolf Creek, Hendrix, Briarcliff, Stone Bridge, Baypath, and Rivers Run subdivisions. Participants should Be Prepared by wearing warm clothing. Maps and bags will be provided.
Scouting for Food bag collection and food sorting is Saturday, February 7th from 9 AM- 2 PM.  Meet Mr. Moehl at the Church.  We need every available Scout, Leader, and parent to help with this activity.  Participants should Be Prepared by wearing warm clothing.  Maps will be provided.
This annual collection supports the food pantry at Grace Lutheran for many months and is critical to our community. Scouts will earn service hours for rank advancement. Somewhere amongst your layers of clothing, wear a Class A shirt.
Remember – Many hands make light work! Thanks in advance for your support.

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