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Important Troop Response to the COVID-19 Virus

Hello Troop 224 Scouters,

At the request of and in support of our sponsor, Grace Lutheran Church, our Troop will do our part in reducing the potential spread of the COVID 19 virus. Effective today, the troop will suspend meetings, outings, and other Troop gatherings.   The suspension of Troop activities is in collaboration with Grace Lutheran Leadership’s request to suspend all church sponsored activities.  In conjunction with the Church’s suspension request, as directed by the Great Smoky Mountain Council, Troop activities will remain suspended as long as the local school systems remain closed.  I will be working with the Church Leadership to remain connected with their efforts and will provide updates to our members.

 Scouts can and should continue to work on their advancements.  There are several online resources to get the advancement requirements as well as the old fashion method – the Scout Handbook.  I am working with Mr. McNeely to establish a process facilitate adult leadership support where needed.  It is interesting that Mr. McNeely and I have been discussing for about six weeks or so the desire to better utilize digital applications to improve Troop operations.  Well as they say, “Necessity is the mother of invention”.

 If anyone has questions, please fell free to reach out to me by Phone or email.  Mr. McNeely is also available via the scoutmaster email.

 Thanks much. Jeff Sipes
Troop Committee Chairman

Brett McNeely

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