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Troop 224 September ’18 Info and Reminders

Committee / Parent Meeting

There will be another parent meeting on September 24th after the start of the Scout meeting.  We will continue to discuss fundraising ideas and hope to have additional ideas brought up for consideration.

September Advancement Theme

Cycling Badge
The September theme is cycling with a focus on bike packing.

Our Scoutmaster of the month is Mr Sipes!

Cycling – MeritBadgeDotOrg

September Camping

The September outing will be on the 29th and 30th. The trip will be a bike packing trip. Location and details will be announced. Scouts wishing to participate should have their bikes in working condition and ready to ride. Our equipment will be transported on a trailer.

New Photos Posted

Sorry!  There are no new pictures this month.

If you have new or old pictures from troop activities such as the summer camping trip or family campout feel free to post them on Facebook. You can also send pictures to Morgan Paul

Tennessee Paracycling Open

Please see the flyer here for the TPO which should provide more information for Scouts and Families. The event takes place Saturday September 22nd and Sunday the 23rd. The event organizers currently need volunteers for the morning shifts from 7:00am to roughly 12:00pm each day. We are looking for additional adult volunteers. We still need 1 adult on Saturday and two adults on Sunday to assist the kids.

Grace Lutheran Annual Pet Fest

Troop 224 plays a large part in supporting the Grace Lutheran Church Pet Fest that will be held on Saturday October 6, 2018 from 1 to 5 PM. Scouts will be need to be there early in the day to help set up and to assist during the day.  Make sure to sign up for some time at the September 24th meeting.

Details can be found hereGrace Lutheran Pet Fest 2016

Update to Kroger Community Rewards Program!

kroger logoThe Kroger Community Rewards Program has provided some welcome funds to the troop over the last year thanks to the families that have participated.   THERE IS A NEW NUMBER FOR OUR TROOP.  Please review the instruction here to assign the new number here, or to add it if you have not participated before now.
Additional information about the program here.


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