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Troop 224 – April ’17 Info and Reminders

NO Committee / Parent Meeting

There will NOT be a parent meeting Monday night. We will plan on meeting again in May.

April Advancement Theme

Cycling Badge

The April advancement theme is Cycling with Mr. Hensley.

Cycling  – MeritBadgeDotOrg


April 3 Bicycle basics. Home work: Inspect your bike and bring bikes in the following week.

April 10 Bike inspections and basic maintenance.

April 17 Trip specifics.

April 21-23 Cades Cove biking and camping trip.

April Camping

The April trip will be 2 nights and day camping biking trip to Cades Cove.   Families are encouraged to join. Further detail will be provided.

Court of Honor

The next semi-annual Court of Honor will be April 24th with the pot-luck dinner starting at 7 PM.  Please bring a main dish and a side to feed you family plus four more.  We will have a family style dinner followed by awards and announcements.

April Fundraising

Our next fundraising service project with the Oak Ridge Rowing Association will be Friday and Saturday April 14th and 15th.  There will be a signup for two shifts of Scouts and an adult for each day (4 shifts).  Brett McNeely will be managing that project this month. Earn money for the troop and Scouts earn money toward troop fees for each hour they work.

Future Regatta Fundraiser Service Days Planned

  • April 14-15 Friday/Saturday, 9am-6pm both days
  • April 29-30, 9am-6pm both days
  • May 13-14, 9am-2pm both days
  • May 20, 9am-1pm
  • August 17-20, 9am-5pm, days worked TBD
  • October 21, 9am-5pm

New Photos Posted

Survival Campout, March 2017

Wilderness Survival Campout, March 2017



If you have new or old pictures from troop activities feel free to post them on Facebook. You can also send pictures to Morgan Paul


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