Pictured above from left to right are students Abigayle Allison, Peyton Ooten, and Evan Eschenberg, and instructor Jeff Hankins. (Submitted photo)
Two Oak Ridge High Schools received gold medals and were named state champions in two different welding categories, while a third student received a bronze medal.
The students and their medals are:
- Senior Evan Eschenberg received a gold medal and is the state champion in the category of Welding.
- Sophomore Abigayle Allison received a gold medal and is the state champion in the category of Welding Sculpture.
- Junior Peyton Ooten received a bronze medal for third place in the state in the category of Action Skills.
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Summer camp backpacking on the Appalachian Trail – June 18th – 25th

Activities planned: Backpacking the first segment of the Appalachian Trail from Springer Mountain north to Unicoy Gap.
What is provided: All meals for backpacking, camp T-shirt, Troop gear (packs, tents, shelters, stoves, fuel, etc.), and safety gear for the activities.
What Scouts and Leaders are responsible for: Suitable clothing and personal gear as defined in the Summer Camping Checklist (to be provided). Participate in 50 miles of training hikes with loaded packs prior to the trip and satisfactorily pass backpack inspection prior to departure.
Parent Assistance needed: We will need parents to provide rides to and from the two trailheads in northern Georgia. Please sign up!
Expected Cost $175 per person. Please pay $75 by April 11 on initial sign up and then $50 by May 9th and balance of $50 by June 6th.
Please see the attachment for the 2016 summer camp sign-up.
Contact Mr. Hubbard for any issues or questions regarding your payment.
More information and a checklist will be available as we get closer to the trip.
Camp Buck Toms Summer Camp

For those wanting additional merit badge opportunities or summer activity. There is one week that is still open to sign up (July 3 – 9). There are a couple of Troop 224 scouts that will be attending that week. Anyone Troop 224 scouts wishing to sign up will need to be with the Provisional Troop 557.
More information can be found here. Time is short and availability is limited.