The Troop ski trip for 2016 will be at Winterplace Ski Resort in West Virginia on January 29th and 30th.
A flyer/application form for the event can be found here.
We need to know by Monday Jan. 11th, if your scout, friend, and/or family plans to attend this outing. We also need to know if you will be willing to drive. Additional family members and friends may attend if we have seats available.
The year 2016 will be a great year for Troop 224! But you need to register first to take part in all of the fun.
Troop dues for calendar year 2016 are $65 per scout. This covers
registration, BSA insurance, Boy’s Life and Troop Operations. Please fill in and return by December 14.
Scout Form
Adult Leaders
The Troop will cover cost for all the Leaders who return the filled
in form indicating intent to be active leader in 2016.
The leader registration fees come from Troop operating funds. Optional, like last year, a small donation of $25 to Troop 224 would help considerably with these and other Troop operating expenses. Please fill in and return by December 14.
Leader Form