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Troop 224 Ski Outing this Friday

Depart this Friday at 6:00 pm from Grace Lutheran Church,

Return Saturday night about midnight

  1. Everyone should have dinner before coming to GLC
  2. Arrive GLC by 5:50 pm so we can depart at 6:00pm. Meet under the pavilion.
  3. Bring ski clothing in a duffle bag: water proof gloves, warm hat which can cover ears, waterproof jacket and pants, heavy socks. (3 scouts and 5 adults will be also bring their own ski/snowboard equipment, others will get rental gear at Winterplace)
  4. Bring what is needed for night at hotel: sleeping clothes, toothbrush, etc.
  5. Quarters for locker use ($2 or $3 in quarters are needed as 4 are used each time you lock up your shoes, duffle bag, etc.)
  6. Cash for buying snacks/hot drinks/dinner. Scouts should eat dinner Saturday at the ski lodge and change clothes before we depart for home.
  7. We expect to leave Winterplace by 8pm after skiing, and if good weather return to Oak Ridge about midnight on Saturday evening.

An equipment rental form is attached if you need one. We will also have them available to fill out at Winterplace.

Helpful Links

Winterplace Website

Tip for first time skiers and what to bring

Trail Map

Weather (looks a little windy and some snowfall, but not really cold)

Photo Gallery

Live Cameras (click lower right corner for full screen)

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